Eos & Eir LLC
Twisted Nature Creations
Kelly Larson
Spiritual Healer, Essential Oil Consultant, Photographer & Minister

Email: kelly@eoseir.com
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Our Online Stores
Twisted Nature creations has 3 online stores. We have our Fine Art America site that offers printed photo art; framed prints, unframed prints, metal & acrylic prints and even household items like coffee cups, blankets, pillows and more.
Our other site is a clothing line based on the photo art found in Fine Art America. This line of clothing is manufactured by Le Galeriste with photo art by Kelly & Darwin Larson. We have always been thoughtful in the ways we buy & make. Ethics are at the core of our mission. We value ethical sourcing, sustainable production, being environmentally friendly, and local production. Not only are you supporting the arts, but by buying Le Galeriste you can rest assured that you are being socially responsible.
If you're looking for top-quality essential oils, you've come to the right place. We work exclusively with doTerra essential oils, which are some of the best in the business. All of our oils can be purchased through our doTerra site, which has great training, recipes, DIY ideas and more. Whether you want to purchase the oils at retail or wholesale prices, we can accommodate you. Plus, we offer income opportunities through the site for those who are interested. If you have any questions, just drop us a note and we'll be happy to answer them.